Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Trying to catch up.... and giving up

It's hardly been 3 days since I got totally consumed by a professional event that I had been preparing for over the last 3 months, but the number of blog posts that I haven't read in that time has shot up to 1000+ already!

Will I ever catch up? Of course not! I am sitting here in the cocktail lounge of the hotel to catch breath and unwind from hours of non-stop technical talking/listening/working since Monday, and to prepare for another hectic day of round-tables tomorrow. I took a brief glance at my reading list, and lost breath right away. There is no way I can read all of them.

But I am definitely going to read my friends' blogs on the above list. I may not comment, though. I hope you won't mind this time. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do not worry.
after all
'work is worship'
malathi S