Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

This is scary! How did they know??

Targeted advertising, my foot! This is downright scary! Those McIdiots probably thought I would smile seeing the ad in an Indian language.... Absolute misuse of census data I must say.

Friday, August 12, 2011

कसा आज कंठात येईल सूर...

प्रिया आज माझी नसे साथ द्याया
नको धूंद वारे, नको चांदण्या या

नको पारिजाता धरा भूषवू ही
पदांची तिच्या आज चाहूल नाही
प्रियेविण आरास जाईल वाया

फुले सान झेलू, तरी भार होतो
पुढे वाट साधी, तरी तोल जातो
कुणाला कळाव्या मनाच्या व्यथा या

न शांती जीवाला, ना प्राणांस धीर
कसा आज कंठात येईल सूर
उरी वेदना मात्र जागेल गाया

आता आठवी का तशा चांदराती
उरे मौतिकावीण शिंपाच हाती
उशाला उभी ती जुनी स्वप्नमाया

Sunday, August 07, 2011


This is what happens when nostalgia hits me hard on a rainy day... when there is a lot of things to do but the mind is elsewhere... As happens so often.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Sankara Jayanti

Today is the birth anniversary of Sri Adi Sankaracharya, considered one of the greatest philosophers ever, and one of the foremost proponents of Advaita Vedanta.

It is very sad that in today's India, it is fashionable to talk disparagingly about anything and everything associated with "Hinduism." If you talk with pride about Hindus and Hindu culture, you are quickly branded as a Hindu fundamentalist. Of course, the so-called representatives of 'Hindutva' have also contributed a lot to this sad state of affairs.

But if you really care to know what the Sanatana Dharma is all about, go and learn about Adi Sankara and read his commentaries. If you keep an open mind, I have no doubt you will come back feeling proud.

There is no doubt that today's Hindu society is a mess and is very despicable just like every other society in this world. But blaming Hindu Dharma for all the ills in Hindu society is like blaming somebody else for your own sins.

Ok... I don't want this post to be a rant about pseudo-secularists. So I stop here. Otherwise, this post will never end.

There is another reason why 'Sankara Jayanthi' is so special to me. Today, Vaishaakha Suddha Panchami, also happens to be the birthday of my paternal grandfather, who has had the most positive influence than anybody on me. He passed away a few years ago but there hasn't been a single day I haven't conversed with him. He was highly knowledgable about Advaita Vedanta and led a very pious life. Remembering him today is very special to me.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

The Blizzard

I just couldn't allow myself to be caged inside the house when nature was unleashing its fury outside. Had to go out at 2AM and check it out first hand. Here is a glimpse: