Well, there's nothing to write about in this post. Hmm... make that "nothing significant". Actually, there is. A lot. So, make that "nothing concrete". Because of lack of time (and mood?) to give concrete shape to several abstract thoughts.
(Looking at the way this blog is frequented by my friends and other "regular" readers, I don't think anybody missed me here anyway ;). But there are exceptions.)
The other day, a good friend of mine prodded me to update my blog. And I said "sure". I really meant it. But then, well, read the opening paragraph.
I've been really busy with work with so much happening at the same time. Working on multiple projects/initiatives at the same time, and with my work spread across multiple time zones/continents, and now, starting last week, extending to multiple spoken/written languages involving 8 more countries, my time is seriously getting stretched thin. And with an upcoming product launch, and a weeklong conference coming up in November (padded with vacation on either side of it :-) ), I am just loving it. No, seriously!
Last night (Friday), my client, a serious workaholic herself, emails me with a request and says "It's not really urgent. By Monday morning is OK."
I have vowed to not bring my work into this blog. So I won't elaborate anymore than I already have.
I am suffering this weekend. Seriously. With
M$ Windoze, that is. You see, I dropped my Mac off at the local Apple store to get some system library issues resolved. I was supposed to get it back this afternoon. Two calls later, I still don't have it. And, with my luck, I may not get it till Monday morning. That is scaring the living daylights out of me. Not because I have got loads of work to do, but because I have to use this Dell Laptop till then!! I have been using it since last night, and I still can't get used to anything on it! The bulky body, the kludgy keys, the horrible screen, and the "cooling" fan roaring like an industrial fan blowing hot air.... And it is supposed to be a pretty decent laptop! Dual-core 2.2GHz with 2GB RAM is not archaic, I am sure! But then, the very fact that it is running Windows makes it archaic.
Anyways, Happy
Deepavali, folks! Hope you really enjoyed it. And hope you stopped others from harming the environment.
UPDATE (Oct 18, 2009 7:30PM): My Mac is back and is working beautifully again. Normalcy has been restored. Life can resume now.