As if this, this, and this, just to name three, weren't enough.
It reminds me of the horror I felt when on a lazy post-lunch stroll in New Orleans a few years ago I happened to see a "hookah cafe" flaunting the following painting out on the street trying to entice people to come in for a smoke or two. The French owner apparently believed he knew how to put Ganesha's multiple hands to good use.
Morons. Really.
This is really bad. I recall something something similar... Indian gods' pictures were embroidered on the socks. These people should atleast learn to respect others religious beliefs.
There is forum here where such incidents are notified.
It's awful. It's like the Lakshmi on the burger king ad. Actually this is much worse. It's unfair of them to use our religion this way.
But there are a lot of people in our own religion and community who use the Lord's name in more heinous ways than this to make money. Like all these fake swamijis etc.
There are such anti-social elements that can be eradicated only by the power of education
(P.S: You could've sued that guy for a large sum! :P )
@Roopa & @Niveditha:
What is sad is that Hinduism is seen to be a weak and pagan religion that can be taken for granted and made fun of. This view is not restricted to those that look at it from outside. Within India, if you talk about Hindu traditions & culture, you are branded as being communal, backward and divisive. Just look at the kind of literature the Christian missionaries in India concoct to ridicule Hinduism and to put a sense of shame in its practitioners. And nobody can stop such practice because in India it is a sin to talk about Hindu pride. To be considered liberal & progressive, you must almost disown your religion.
In India, from within Hindus, there are:
1. Liberals/progressives who seem to believe that being a Hindu is antithetical to being liberal/progressive, and abuse it at every opportunity to promote their liberal/progressive/secular image.
2. Those that consider "modern" and believe the only way to be modern is to trash Hinduism (and India), dump every aspect of Hinduism including music & other arts, heritage, cultural practices, festivals, dress, etc., and wish they were born with white skin. This is similar to generations of Indians in the British era who were "more British than the British".
But then the entire situation is made worse by those who take on the above two groups in ways that can only be detrimental to the cause they are fighting for.
So, the bottom line is, we are our worst enemies. The destruction, if it happens, happens from within.
PS: Too long a comment, I guess! Maybe this should become a separate post (been thinking of it for a long but never got to it). :D
I think this is old issue. This man's misuse is circulated among Indian papers, well agitated by all Indians & later the concerned removed the photo & publicly apologized to hindus.
This news also came in paper.
This is happening some where abroad by those people who don't know hinduism.
But in India beggars in lacs using the idols of god in plates for begging, paint the god on road for daily earnings, insense stick boxes are made up god's idol which after use fall in roads, garbage where vehicles ply, animals -do all sort of things,& what not. Ironically all these are hindus & known for the value of their worship & god.
This is more heart breaking.
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