Ho. Ve. Seshadri-ji passed away over the weekend. I just don't feel good since I heard the news first thing Sunday morning. The end was expected for a while, but as anybody who knew Seshadri-ji would tell you, we never believed he would someday be gone...... How can you imagine an RSS without Ho Ve Seshadri??
I miss him... The last few days, since I came to know that he was on life support in a Bangalore hospital, the memories of those precious days that I was fortunate to spend with him over several years since my childhood up until I left India keep coming back to me... Especially those fews days in May 1984 (during my OTC in Bangalore) where I was lucky enough to sit by his feet in his room every night and talk to him and pester him to recount incidents from his life...... He had fractured his hand and it was in a cast.... He was in his late 50s at that time.... A perfect grandfather-figure!
The man was to succeed Param Poojaneeya Balasaheb Ji as the Sar Sanghchalak (the chief of RSS) which he declined and made way for Rajju Bhaiyya. He forever remained the low-profile leader with immense stature.
I consider myself fortunate to have known this learned, loving, saintly person.
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