Oh, by the way, what if you need to pee when you are up there?! That was my second thought. :D
I am forever walking upon these shores
Betwixt the sand and the foam
The high tide will erase my foot-prints
And the wind will blow away the foam
But the sea and the shore will remain
Now, tell me something. How do you ration out toilet paper?! Every employee gets a daily/weekly quota of paper? Or, everybody is given a small roll for the entire week? What if that is not enough? I guess some smart folks will bring their own paper from home and keep it safe in their cubes for the rainy day! How awkward it should be to walk around with some paper in your hands or tucked somewhere! So, if you see somebody get up quietly and start walking down the hallway, you don't need to ask what is on his/her mind! What if, once you get there, you realize you needed to have brought more paper with you?
To survive the slowdown, outsourcing companies will have to learn to be thrifty. The successful ones have already been doing this. At Wipro, legend has it that chairman Azim Premji would ask that toilet paper be rationed, and insist employees switch off lights and air conditioners when leaving a room.
In fact, Premji, one of India's richest men by virtue of his share in Wipro, apparently practices frugality to the extent that he orders 'by-two' samosas in the office café.