Saturday, December 22, 2007

Malwun tak deep

One of my most favorite bhaavageethes. This is one of those gems created by Lata Mangeshkar (voice), Hridaynath Mangeshkar (composition) and Suresh Bhat (lyrics) at their very best. Was humming this song all day, searched for an online link, and I just HAD to share it with everybody who visits my blog. :)

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Here are the lyrics:

मालवून टाक दीप, चेतवून अंग अंग
राजसा किती दिसात, लाभला निवांत संग

त्या तिथे फुलाफुलात, पेंगते अजून रात
हाय तू करु नकोस, एवढयात स्वप्न भंग

गार गार या हवेत घेऊनी मला कवेत
मोकळे करुन टाक एकवार अंतरंग

दूर दूर तारकांत, बैसली पहाट न्हात
सावकाश घे टिपून एक एक रुपरंग

ते तुला कसे कळेल, कोण एकटे जळेल
सांग का कधी खरेच, एकटा जळे पतंग

काय हा तुझाच श्वास, दरवळे इथे सुवास
बोल रे हळू उठेल, चांदण्यावरी तरंग


Niveditha Sunderraj said...

good to know ;)

SimblyDimply said...

One of my all-time favortites! Incidentally, I sent an almost gujri-type recording of this song to your friend Srikanth. Thanks for the esnips link and the lyrics! The thing I like the most about this song is the 'gambheer' gravity the raaga creates almost instantaneously. Of course the tune is as deep too. Thanks, made my day!

L'Étranger said...


I am glad you enjoyed it as much as I did! I absolutely love this song for those very same reasons that you mentioned! Both the Mangeshkars have done absolute justice to Bhat's lyrics.

Incidentally, I listened to your rendering too. :) I could tell that you didn't have the original version to practice with -- but it was a very good attempt. Also, the tanpoora appeared to dominate. Please record again -- and I am sure you will do an awesome job. I have a good reason to have this belief -- I did hear your really good "toredu hogadiro" :)

Anonymous said...

mala ye gaaNa phaar avaDtO. miss my mumbai da
tumhala maratHi puN yete?

malathi S

L'Étranger said...

@malathi: Ho, mala Marathi yete paN... a little rusty now :(

You are from Mumbai?